This Free Piano Course will give you an overview of how to play any Song and any Piece of Music. You will learn about Major & Minor Scales, Musical Intervals, Chords and other musical topics in this Course.

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Course curriculum

    1. Piano Performance by the Instructor of the Course

    2. The Layout of the Piano/Keyboard

    3. Letters/Names of the Keys on the Piano/Keyboard

    4. Explanation of 'Natural' , 'Sharp' , 'Flat' and 'Enharmonic Equivalent' Musical Notes

    5. How to correctly draw a Sharp sign and a Flat sign

    6. Piano Fingerings & Hand Movement on the Piano/Keyboard

    7. Video of the logical explanation of how to play the Piano

    8. Key Points

    1. Think of Music and the act of playing the Piano like a Language that you speak, write and read (e.g. the English Language)

    1. Musical Intervals

    2. Melodic Intervals and Harmonic Intervals

    1. Scales/How to build a major scale

    2. Video for how to name the musical notes within a Major or Minor Scale Correctly

    3. All the Major Scales

    1. Why Major and Minor Scales are the building blocks of Music and what the Key of a piece of Music is

    2. An Alternative way of saying that a Song or any piece of Music is in a Major Key

    1. Minor Scales & Natural Minor Scales

    2. All the Natural Minor Scales

  • 26 lessons